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Scale your trade fair exhibitions and showrooms globally

Think about the difficulty of showcasing heavy-duty vehicles across geographical distances, or any other product that isn’t easily transported from point A to point B. Using SynergyXR as a virtual platform, Heavy Machinery Inc. can scale its trade fair exhibitions and showrooms globally with an out-of-the-box experience that communicates its brand in a powerful new way. 

Multi-user sessions

Invite others to share the experience

Easily scalable out of the box

Work and scale fast with templates

Interactive experiences

Feel what it's like to lift 30 tons

We’re now able to serve our customers with a different perspective than what you’d get from a brochure or a slide presentation.

Lars Sall  |  Regional Director of Asia Pacific at MAKEEN Energy

How MAKEEN Energy is improving trade fairs with virtual showrooms

It’s costly to ship industrial equipment to trade fairs around the world, but MAKEEN Energy has discovered a more efficient way of bringing its products to the customer.