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Train employees safer and faster

Bring trainees into a virtual experience that accurately simulates your production line. With custom-built interactive procedures, they can learn how to operate your machines seamlessly.

Reduced training time

Safe environment

On-demand access

Easily scaleable

Why virtual technical training is worth it

Part and parcel of good training is that you’re able to remember it. We therefore value practical experience because it jogs our memory at the most critical moment. Unfortunately, hands-on training is difficult to facilitate with an active production line, as it’s either deemed too unsafe to inhabit or too expensive to pause for training.

That’s where virtual procedure training shines. Because it’s self-paced and accessible from anywhere on-demand, you can entirely circumvent the downtime on machinery and also: 

  • Reduce training time from weeks to days 
  • Eliminate all risks of injury 
  • Support memory retention

They're able to filter out
the world and focus on learning the procedure without us having to
stop production for it.

Helle Maria Monke  |  Training Coordinator at Saint-Gobain Isover

Isover readies plant personnel with virtual reality training

With simulated procedures in VR, Saint-Gobain Isover is able to provide sophisticated employee
training on-demand.