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Danish Silicon Valley icon joins SynergyXR's Board of Directors

Christian Bach - Co-founder of the international tech success Netlify - is poised to help lead the company into the Corporate Metaverse.

Christian Bach – Co-founder of the international tech success Netlify – joins SynergyXR’s Board of Directors. The goal is to make SynergyXR a global leader in the Corporate Metaverse, where a significant part of the digital marketplace and workplace of the future will be.

It’s not just Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos who’ve had success in Silicon Valley. Danish Christian Bach has also been successful with his company Netlify, which in November 2021 alone raised $100+ million to a valuation of $2 billion, and now has raised almost a quarter of a billion dollars in just a few years.

Local Danish company with global potential

He now wants to pass on that personal success to what he considers one of the next big tech successes. Not in Silicon Valley – but in Aabyhøj, a suburb of Aarhus – namely, SynergyXR. 
“The fact that Facebook became Meta means that the Metaverse is a significant part of the internet of the future and a huge part of the digital market and workplace of the future. SynergyXR are experts in the Metaverse – in fact, in my opinion, there’s no company with more potential to become a global success in that world. I want to help fulfill that,” says Christian Bach. 
“We’re incredibly proud that an entrepreneur and leader like Christian has agreed to join our Board of Directors. In addition to contributing tons of obvious competencies, he complements the board with the special Silicon Valley DNA that’s required when entering the global arena in the tech world. Because that’s exactly the path we’re on,” says SynergyXR CEO Mads Troelsgaard. 

"One of our biggest goals is to bring people closer together - virtually.

Mads Troelsgaard  |  CEO and Co-Founder of SynergyXR
Alignment, alignment, alignment

The last two years have created a new reality where technology and a pandemic have changed the way we work. Therefore, everyone should join the Metaverse wave now. Otherwise, you’re already behind in terms of global competition, warns Christian Bach, who says:

“Covid-19 and the whole wave of remote work have made interaction, knowledge sharing, and work processes more difficult than ever before. Therefore, one of the most important competitive parameters now – and in the future – is the ability of companies to ensure ‘alignment, alignment, alignment’. And this is where SynergyXR’s services really come into play,” says Christian Bach 
“One of our biggest goals is to bring people closer together – virtually. People learn and understand much better with vivid images and immersive experiences, and that’s the whole essence of the Corporate Metaverse. To be able to ensure greater understanding and optimize work processes – even if you’re in different parts of the world – is at the core of what we do,” says Mads Troelsgaard.

One of the most important competitive parameters now – and in the future – is the ability of companies to ensure ‘alignment, alignment, alignment’. 

Christian Bach I Co-founder of Netlify and new board member of SynergyXR

Because I can’t help it and because it makes good sense

Christian Bach is a busy man, so he has to manage his time and resources carefully. Still, he’s chosen to join SynergyXR’s Board of Directors because – as he says – he can’t help it. SynergyXR offers innovation that can help both societies as a whole and also his own company Netlify. He says: 
“Even though I’m primarily doing this because I want to pay forward what I’ve learned, it also makes good business sense. Because even though SynergyXR’s technology isn’t directly in line with Netlify’s business, it can solve one of the biggest challenges in the world right now – which is also a challenge in our world: the time it takes to bring a product to market. SynergyXR makes it possible to bring a product to market faster than ever before and enables companies to keep up with developments and demand – almost regardless of industry. What they’re doing is unique, and I’m joining the Board of Directors because this is so important that it must be shared globally “.