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SynergyXR integrations

SynergyXR is designed to seamlessly integrate with various systems and tools to enhance your XR training and operational workflows. Our platform ensures that your existing processes are streamlined and your teams are empowered with the best tools available.

Real-time IoT

LMS compatible

iOS sharing

Web-based tools

Learning Management Systems (LMS)

We understand the importance of seamless learning and development processes. These integrations allow you to manage and track your training programs effortlessly, ensuring a comprehensive approach to employee development. That’s why SynergyXR integrates with leading Learning Management Systems, such as:

IoT API integration

Connect and interact with IoT devices in real time. SynergyXR’s IoT API integration allows you to connect and interact directly with Internet of Things (IoT) devices within the platform. This enables real-time data sharing and enhanced training simulations that mirror real-world scenarios, providing a deeper learning experience for your employees.

Web-based tools via in-app web browser

SynergyXR supports a wide range of web-based tools through our in-app web browser, providing flexibility and accessibility. Whether you need to access cloud-based applications or integrate web tools directly into your XR training modules, SynergyXR has you covered.

Instantly upload content from iOS devices

With SynergyXR’s iOS Share Extension, users can instantly upload content to the platform through the native share functionality of iOS and iPadOS. This functionality ensures that capturing and sharing content is as easy as a few taps, integrating seamlessly into your existing workflow. Supported in tools like:

Seamless integration for a connected experience

SynergyXR isn’t just a tool; it’s a complete platform that improves your training and makes operations more efficient. It works smoothly with your current systems, giving you a strong base to create, manage, and enhance immersive learning programs quickly and affordably