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Careers at SynergyXR

We're always on the lookout for talented people to join our journey. Help shape the future of XR and be part of making the digital world more human.

We don’t currently have any open positions, but don’t worry, we’re always open to an unsolicited application.

Send us an unsolicited application

Are you passionate about, and want to work with the latest XR technologies?
Interested in joining our team? Why not send us an unsolicited application? 

Bridging real and virtual worlds

We see a future and a present where extended realities like augmented and virtual reality will continue to revolutionize the way we live, work, and play. Things will become easier and work faster. We’ll discover new ways to communicate and share. Physical barriers won’t matter as much. That’s why we’re committed to helping these technologies become the norm. By designing and building people-first solutions, we’re dedicated to bridging the real and virtual worlds. XR for business today, not tomorrow.

Read more about our story

Don't see a match?We're always open to an unsolicited application

Send us an unsolicited application if you’re interested in joining our team.

Our values

XR will drive the future of how we live and work

We believe in building a world where communicating, collaborating, and connecting in XR becomes a natural part of the way we live and work. With remote working becoming the norm, we’re helping companies discover new and powerful ways to present their ideas, products, and solutions using augmented and virtual reality.

You’re only as good as the people you hire

At the heart of any successful business are people. And we believe that you’re only as good as the people you hire. That’s why we focus so much on acquiring the best talent and nurturing them with strong leadership, hands-on mentoring, and career development.

Finding the best talent to lead our rapid growth is key to our long-term success.

Mads Troelsgaard  |  CEO & Partner


Social events

Building a strong social bond with colleagues fosters trust and camaraderie, so we host a number of social events throughout the year.

Warrant program

We want to make our employees feel like genuine owners, which is why we offer a generous warrant program.

Healthy food

Healthy body, healthy mind. We provide all employees with a wide variety of organic lunches, snacks, and drinks.

Ongoing learning 

We’re invested in helping each team member continue to grow their skillset and provide in-house and external learning opportunities.