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Show your products in Augmented Reality

WebAR lets customers see your products in 3D on your web page and webshop and use their phones to instantly see your products in Augmented Reality. No download or app required.

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Bring your web page and webshop to life with Augmented Reality 

With WebAR, you can transform your web page and webshop into an immersive experience and let your customers place products in the real world with a single click – without using an app or downloading software. Here are a few examples of how products could look on your website and webshop.   

What is WebAR?

Web-based augmented reality (WebAR) is a technology that allows users to access AR experiences directly from their smartphones. There’s no need for any downloading, so people can enjoy the immersive and unique experience of AR on-demand. 

 With WebAR, customers can overlay computer-generated graphics (like your products) on top of the real world using the device’s camera. This works on any webpage and webshop.  

Why WebAR is right for you

  • 100% browser-based
  • Quickly add a 3D Model Viewer 
  • Show WebAR on a mobile device 
  • Works on both iOS and Android 
  • Place products in the real environment
  • Animate products to show how they work 
  • Place products on walls and floors 
  • Add shadows for a more realistic view 
  • Scale the product or lock it to the real size 

AR is becoming mainstream


Out of 1,100 U.S. adult shoppers are already using some form of AR while shopping.


Of them often use AR to find out more about prouducts before buying.


Of those asked said they’d shop more often if they used AR.


Of these adult shoppers are ready to use AR to preview an item before buying it.

We can help you get started

WebAR-ready 3D models 

Our experienced 3D artists can create high-quality, WebAR-ready 3D models for you. We have structured workflows that fit most needs based on your existing 3D material: 

  • Optimize your existing 3D models 
  • Convert and optimize CAD models 
  • Create optimized models from scratch using reference images and/or 3D scans 

Web consultancy 

We can work together with your web developers to add the 3D models to your web page. We can either add WebAR as a standalone page or integrate it with your existing web pages. 

Upgrade your physical branding 

We can help you add a QR Code to your product packaging and marketing material that directs customers to your WebAR-enabled webshop. With WebAR on your web page, the user can quickly see the product in Augmented Reality on their phone and learn more about it. 

Model viewer extensions 

The 3D model viewer can be extended and customized in many ways.  

  • Annotate model with hot spots 
  • Adjust camera controls (panning, rotation limits, starting position) 
  • Preset camera positions 
  • Add dimensions 
  • Switch between color variants or different products 
  • Customize light settings 
  • Add Custom JavaScript extensions