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Introducing the all-new Web Manager

We are thrilled to announce a major enhancement to our platform that will revolutionize the way you manage your workspace.

Today, we introduce the all-new Web Manager, a comprehensive tool designed to empower admins and content creators with seamless control and collaboration capabilities. 

At SynergyXR, we’ve always strived to provide you with the most intuitive and efficient tools to enhance your XR experience. With the introduction of the Web Manager, we are taking a giant leap forward by consolidating various functionalities into a single, unified solution that replaces both the existing Web user portal and the PC-based content manager. 

The Web Manager has been meticulously crafted to streamline workspace management, enabling admins to effortlessly oversee users, access roles, and content within their organization. Here are some of the powerful features that await you: 


User management 

Admins can easily add new users, granting them appropriate access roles tailored to their responsibilities.

Access roles include:
Admins who possess full control over the workspace.
Authors who can manage content and collaborate with others.
Viewers who can create and join sessions, without making any lasting changes. 

The ability to change access roles and permissions ensures efficient collaboration and data security. Admins can also invite guest users to collaborate on projects, allowing external stakeholders to contribute to your workspace seamlessly.

Content management 

Authors and Admins have the power to manage content within the workspace with ease. The Web Manager enables uploading new content, renaming existing files, and editing search tags, making content organization more intuitive than ever. Various file formats, including 3D models, images, videos, and PDFs, can be seamlessly uploaded and managed in a unified interface. 

We are immensely excited to introduce this game-changing feature and can’t wait to hear your feedback. Your input is crucial in helping us continually enhance and refine our platform. 

Stay tuned for more exciting updates! 

The SynergyXR Team