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SynergyXR 2.6: Elevate Your XR Experience, Now On HTC VIVE

Explore SynergyXR 2.6, with improved hardware compatibility and user-driven scenarios.

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SynergyXR 2.6 Release Highlights

Here’s what we’ve packed inside the latest version of SynergyXR: 

  • HTC VIVE Integration 
  • Scenario Enhancements 

SynergyXR 2.6 has landed, propelling device compatibility and scenario management to new horizons. This isn’t merely an update; it’s a stride toward fostering a more inclusive and dynamic XR experience. Our endeavor? To mold an XR sphere that’s not only more accessible but intricately user-oriented. By taking your invaluable input and integrating cutting-edge industry insights, we’ve refined the SynergyXR experience to be more user-attuned.

HTC VIVE Integration

The hallmark of this release is the thorough integration with HTC VIVE devices, a move inspired by our diverse customer base expressing a desire for a broader hardware selection. By spotlighting HTC’s flagship headsets, the Vive Focus 3 and Vive XR Elite, we’re not just honoring a popular choice, but broadening the hardware palette, thereby enriching the options available to our existing and potential customers.  

Whether accessing SynergyXR via the Viveport store, Vive business store, ManageXR & ArborXR instant apps, or the SynergyXR website, users now enjoy a wider gateway to delve into enhanced XR experiences. This expanded device support not only reflects our focus on user preferences but underscores our commitment to continually broaden the realm of possibilities within the SynergyXR ecosystem. 

Scenario Enhancements

Beyond device compatibility, SynergyXR 2.6 brings fine-tuning to scenario management to the table. The wrist menu has been aesthetically restructured to offer a cleaner organization and a distinct separation between scenarios and regular content. 

Authors now can save a Space with an active Scenario nestled within, ensuring that users stepping into that Space in the future will be greeted with an active Scenario, poised to guide them through a learning journey or a maintenance task. 


When paired with the QR Code scanning capabilities of SynergyXR 2.5, users are now a scan away from instant access to Scenarios offering on-the-spot training and guidance. 

These tweaks are just a glimpse of what SynergyXR 2.6 brings to the fore. For a more in-depth insight into the array of improvements, feel free to delve into the comprehensive release notes below. 

Try the New Technical Training Demo

Want to experience virtual technical training for yourself? Jump into this free demo experience and learn how to assemble steel beams for a new construction project. Through visual, written, and voice step-by-step guidance, you’ll understand the processes and tools involved in drilling, bolting, and assembling steel beams.

SynergyXR 2.6 – Technical Release Notes

Book a 30-minute meeting and get a free trial 

  • A completely new Organization and Workspace is automatically being created, making the user the first admin, ready to invite colleagues 
  • The free trial is limited to 6 users for 7 days 

HTC VIVE Support

  • We have expanded the list of supported devices to include HTC Vive Focus 3 and HTC Vive XR Elite headsets.
  • SynergyXR on HTC headsets work just like any other VR platform and have the full feature set of SynergyXR.
  • You can get SynergyXR for HTC devices in the Viveport store, Vive business store, ManageXR instant apps and on SynergyXR website.

Scenario Improvements

  • The wrist menu UI has been overhauled to better segment scenarios and normal content. 
    • The global scenario state is gone.
    • Instead, users can now add content to the space, while a scenario is active in edit mode.’
    • Adding steps to scenarios is now done from the scenario’s submenu.
  • Saving a Space also saves changes to any open scenario.
  • Loading a Space that was saved with an open scenario, will also automatically load the scenario. 
  • Entering spaces with open scenarios starts the scenario from the first step in the scenario sequence.
  • When loading a scenario, all steps are automatically locked, to ensure users do not move steps around. 
  • The list of scenarios available in a Space has seen minor improvements, allowing users to delete scenarios from the Space. 

Internet Browser Audio

  • It is, unfortunately, not possible to stream the audio in internet browsers to all users to ensure they hear the same.
  • Until now, the internet browser audio has been muted on PC and Mac, to ensure that all users get the same experience.
  • We have now changed this – audio for internet browser content has been enabled locally on all platforms – it is still not streamed to other users participating in the session, but users currently controlling the browser can hear the audio.