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Unity Studios is now SynergyXR!

We’re changing our name to SynergyXR to mark a new direction for us – and more opportunities for you. Read more about why we're rebranding and why now.

Unity Studios, the award-winning software pioneers behind SynergyXR, is now simply going by the name SynergyXR.

For more than a decade Unity Studios has helped some of the biggest brands in the world reshape how we work, learn and share while pushing the boundaries of technology. 

If being at the vanguard has taught us anything, it’s to look inward and acknowledge that we also need to embrace the next big wave of change.  

Mads Troelsgaard  |  CEO & Co-founder of SynergyXR

That’s the genesis of merging Unity Studios and SynergyXR. By building a simple, affordable way for all types of teams and organizations to lean into virtual and augmented reality – and combining it with a world-class custom solutions team, we can deliver on our mission to “bring XR to the people”. And the timing couldn’t be better.  

The world is rapidly changing

Look around and you’ll see that the world is rapidly changing. Long before the pandemic, we recognized that people are no longer tethered to a desk and a 9-5 workday. And in a post-covid world, the idea of a hybrid workplace and the remote employee is, and will continue to be, the new norm. The future of work has been accelerated.  

And with employees spread across the globe, companies are now yearning for novel ways to communicate, collaborate and connect. 

That’s exactly why we built the SynergyXR platform – along with the added benefits of helping companies cut travel costs, work smarter and reduce their carbon footprint.  

But we’re not just making the human world more digital, we’re making the digital world more human. We’re giving people like you a better way to present ideas, products and solutions by unlocking a new dimension of visual communication. We’re making it possible to present like never before. 

Thanks for your continued support! 

Mads, Sune and Thomas
Founding Partners of SynergyXR



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