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How Vikan connects virtually with its customers

Reduced travel forced this global cleaning supply company to rethink how it showcases products and meets with customers remotely.

With the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping through the world, meeting in person has never been harder.  

Whether it’s international travel for business, or simply meeting local colleagues for a quick update at the office, there’s no doubt that the lockdown has made real-life interaction tough. 

It’s been especially difficult for those who rely on in-person interactions with potential customers for sales meetings.

This was certainly the case for Vikan, an international company that supplies professional cleaning products and services.

The challenge: connecting with customers during the pandemic 

Before the pandemic, Vikan would regularly consult, or meet, with customers on-site. By meeting in person, Vikan was able to offer the best advice and guidance on how to use their products and services. 

Not only did this facilitate better guidance on their products and services, but by meeting in person, the team at Vikan was able to fully comprehend customers’ body language and other non-verbal cues, leading to more productive meetings that generated positive results.   

These in-person meetings would usually take place in Vikan’s customers’ production factory or facilities. And due to Vikan’s international customer base, they were often held around the world.  

However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, this type of interaction became near impossible. Travelling was out of the question, nevermind real-life business meetings and consultations.

With the pandemic, we were struggling to find a way to meet our customers on site.

Svend Erik Svendsen  |  CFO at Vikan

The solution: meeting with customers in a virtual showroom

SynergyXR helps Vikan interact with their customers remotely when traveling isn’t an option.  

Their goal is to give customers a fully immersive experience, where they can present their products and concepts in 3D, alongside videos and images. It will also let them interact and engage with their customers as if they were in the same physical showroom together. And using the SynergyXR platform, Vikan will be able to design their virtual showroom exactly as they want, all by themselves. 

Speed was key 

The easy-to-implement solution was ideal for Vikan and checked all the right boxes.

Straightforward implementation with hands-on training

SynergyXR helped Vikan put together an agile project plan to accelerate implementation and make set-up easier. The step-by-step plan was straightforward and guided our team, which was important since this was a completely new technology and way to work.

SynergyXR easily stood out from competitors. Their approach towards usability and quick implementation was what set them apart.

Svend Erik Svendsen | CFO at Vikan 
Bringing Vikan’s products to life

To create the unique 3D models for Vikan’ virtual showroom, SynergyXR’s graphic designers collaborated closely with the Vikan team. Together, they created individual 3D models with Vikan’s distinctive features. And these will be presented/demoed to Vikan’s customers during meetings and consultations.

The results: meet anywhere, anytime in virtual reality 

Vikan now has a fully customised virtual showroom that can be accessed from different physical locations by both Vikan and their customers. This virtual platform offers customers and the Vikan team a way to interact together while being in two separate locations. 

And since 90% of Vikan’s clients are based abroad, the firm envisions that their need for travel will likely decrease thanks to being able to meet virtually.

About Vikan

Vikan is the leading supplier of hygienic cleaning tools and systems for the food & beverage industry and other hygiene-sensitive environments. Vikan draws on its 120 years of experience and knowledge to develop the world’s most effective customer-focused professional cleaning tools and advisory services.