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TGS revolutionizes offshore training with VR

Discover how TGS is setting new standards in seismic exploration training, diving deep into the virtual world to enhance safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Navigating the future

In the relentless quest for efficiency and safety in the high-stakes world of seismic exploration, TGS stands at the forefront, embracing the transformative power of Virtual Reality (VR) technology.

Partnering with SynergyXR, TGS has embarked on an innovative journey to overhaul traditional training paradigms, addressing critical challenges head-on. This case study delves into the challenges TGS faced, the visionary solutions implemented, and the remarkable results achieved.

Through this collaboration, TGS not only solved pressing issues but also unlocked new possibilities for the future, showcasing the significant value and impact of leveraging cutting-edge XR technologies in the seismic industry. Join us as we explore the depths of this groundbreaking initiative, offering insights and inspiration for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of modern training and operational excellence:

50 Training Days Saved

Reduced environmental impact and substantial savings on travel and training

Estimated Cost Savings

Of up to $10,000 per crew member for a week's training

Scalability Costs Reduction

For expanding training to more personnel

The Challenge: Navigating high seas and high costs

In the vast and volatile realm of offshore seismic exploration, TGS faced a daunting challenge: the high costs and logistical nightmares of traditional training methods. Transporting personnel across the globe for hands-on training sessions, not only did it drain resources but also complicated the orchestration of critical safety certifications. This logistical labyrinth was a significant hurdle in maintaining operational agility and cost efficiency.


Safety in uncharted waters

The paramount concern in the seismic industry is safety, where the margin for error is slim. Traditional training methods struggled to replicate the complex, unpredictable scenarios that workers encounter offshore. This gap in training realism raised concerns about the preparedness and safety of personnel, particularly in an environment where every action can have far-reaching consequences.

Scaling the depths of training

As TGS navigated through technological advancements and expanding operational needs, the scalability and flexibility of traditional training methods lagged. The inability to swiftly adapt training to new technologies or operational shifts meant that TGS’s capacity to innovate and grow was tethered to outdated training methodologies.


This clearly shows the challenges TGS faced, highlighting the financial burden and logistical complications of traditional training methods, the essential need for improved safety protocols, and the demand for a training approach that can easily scale with technological advancements and operational growth. These issues underline the urgency for a transformative solution capable of reshaping training practices in the seismic exploration field, setting a new standard for efficiency, safety, and adaptability.

The Solution: Embracing VR for transformative training

Strategic VR integration for enhanced learning

TGS embarked on a journey to assess VR’s potential in creating safe, simulated training environments. This initial step was crucial for aligning VR capabilities with specific training needs.


Collaborative excellence with SynergyXR

The partnership between TGS and SynergyXR catalyzed the development of tailored VR training modules, leveraging the strengths of both organizations to create a groundbreaking training solution.

Working with SynergyXR, it's been very positive. It's a very responsive team of people... they listen to us and then go back and create a product, show it to us, and we tweak it to run.

Eirik Østensvik  |  Head of Special Projects at TGS

Realistic virtual environments from 3D models

Utilizing existing 3D ship and equipment models, this phase transformed technical assets into immersive VR training platforms, enhancing the realism and applicability of each module.

Methodical implementation and user engagement

TGS’s rollout of VR training focused on maximizing user interaction and feedback, ensuring that the VR modules were not only engaging but also continuously improved based on real-world user experiences.


Continuous innovation and training excellence

The commitment to iterative improvement and the strategic use of VR technology set a new industry standard for training, highlighting TGS’s role as a pioneer in leveraging VR for operational safety and efficiency.

The Result: Realizing the potential of VR training

Enhanced safety and operational readiness

The introduction of VR training at TGS has led to a significant enhancement in the training experience. By simulating real-life operations within a risk-free virtual environment, personnel now gain a deep understanding of procedures and equipment handling, substantially improving operational readiness and safety.

Operational efficiency and error reduction

VR training’s realistic scenarios prepare staff for actual challenges, potentially reducing operational errors. This preparation improves overall efficiency, a testament to VR’s impact on TGS’s seismic operations.


Positive feedback and executive endorsement

The shift to VR training has been met with overwhelming approval from both staff and clients, marking a high level of engagement and effectiveness. This success story gained further credibility with strong support from TGS’s executive team, underscoring the strategic value of VR in training.

Whenever we show it to someone, they will just say ‘wow’, you know, and that kind of justifies that whole thing.

Eirik Østensvik  |  Head of Special Projects at TGS

Substantial cost savings

Eirik’s insights reveal the financial benefits of transitioning to VR training. With an estimated saving of 50 training days per vessel annually, and considering the substantial costs associated with traditional training methods, the switch to VR represents a significant reduction in expenses. This saving enables the redirection of resources towards further enhancing VR training modules, maximizing the technology’s utility across TGS operations.


Scalability and broader applications

The scalability of VR training is a key advantage, highlighting its potential for wide-ranging applications within TGS and beyond. Once the initial development is complete, extending the training becomes more cost-effective, primarily requiring additional VR headsets to accommodate more personnel.

These results underscore the transformative impact of VR technology on TGS’s training and operational practices, showcasing significant improvements in safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

I think it has been surprisingly successful… the back deck itself, without anything that you can actually do on it, you can just walk around and explore it, that has had so much impact.

Eirik Østensvik  |  Head of Special Projects at TGS

A new wave of training: watch the full SynergyXR Talks episode

Dive deeper into TGS’s revolutionary journey into VR training in the full episode of SynergyXR Talks. Discover firsthand how Virtual Reality is making waves in the offshore seismic industry, reshaping the future of training, and setting a new course for safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

Charting the course forward: the impact and future of VR training at TGS

TGS’s venture into VR training marks a significant milestone in seismic exploration training. By embracing VR, TGS not only addressed the immediate challenges of cost, safety, and scalability but also opened new horizons for innovative training methods. This exemplifies how XR technology can transform traditional industry practices, offering a glimpse into the future of operational excellence.


As TGS continues to navigate these new waters, their journey offers valuable insights for others looking to leverage XR technologies to overcome their challenges, underscoring the transformative power of virtual reality in the modern workplace.


About TGS

TGS supports the search for affordable and sustainable energy for all. In collaboration with industry, society, and authorities, TGS advances marine subsurface knowledge for evolving energy needs. They aim to achieve a secure, sustainable energy future.