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VR provides an easy-to-use and scalable way to enhance collaboration and comprehension, by providing detailed documentation and walkthroughs to pinpoint potential issues, before they occur in reality.

From 3D scan to immersive documentation

3D scan any product, machine, product line or production floor with an iPhone/iPad. Upload it to SynergyXR and drag it into Virtual Reality and collaborate in less than 10 minutes.

Hit the play button above and discover how it works

Faster and more accurate
visual documentation

VR allows personnel to visualize and interact with spatial environments before they are physically realized, enhancing comprehension and collaboration. VR facilitates detailed simulations and walkthroughs, enabling planners to anticipate potential issues, optimize designs, and make informed decisions.

VR offers dynamic and engaging ways to capture and present information, ensuring that complex data is accessible and understandable. By integrating VR into planning and documentation processes, professionals can achieve higher accuracy, improved communication, and more effective project outcomes.

Better documentation

Make in-depth 3D documentation

Faster delivery

Reduce time from idea to planning

Travel less

Decrease travel and logistic costs

Planning and maintaining production facilities with XR makes perfect sense

Building or upgrading production facilities can be a drawn-out, costly headache. It often involves too many moving parts and is complicated more by inaccuracies, design flaws, engineering gaffes, and installation errors.

With SynergyXR, you can better align with stakeholders in a shared environment. It’s also easier to measure, scan, annotate, plan and discuss without having to be on-site. Even better, by being able to gather all the documentation on the very first visit, you can easily combine information to create a complete picture and reduce the need for travel. 

The support we received from the SynergyXR team was fantastic. From the initial presentation to the final execution, we were in close contact throughout.

Jonas Grøftehauge  |  Automation Service Engineer at Sanovo